Wednesday 17 April 2013

This week.....

This week, we began a short study of Our World. Goals of the study include recognizing that globes and maps are representations of the earth, being able to locate the seven continents and five oceans, as well as the equator and northern and southern hemispheres on a map and to understand a country as a community defined with a border. Check out the interactive website Sheppard Software for practice locating continents and oceans and for additional information about each continent:

Focus this week as also been placed on adding to our subtraction strategies. Previously, we have learned to count back- putting the larger number in our head and counting back 1, 2 or 3. Similar to counting on, there are better strategies when subtracting numbers greater than 3. When subtracting larger numbers, students are learning to either count up or think addition.

When counting up, students begin at the smaller number and count up to the larger number.

For example, 14-8=? Begin at 8; 8 to ten is 2, 10 to 14 is 4, so the answer is 6.

Think Addition is a strategy in which students can use a related addition fact.

For example, 10-5=?, students know that 5+5=10, so 10-5=5.

We practiced using these strategies throughout the week and again today on Johnnie's Math Page!

Remember, there is no school Friday!
~Ms. Burland

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