Tuesday 9 April 2013

Checking In

As I look for my camera cord to upload pictures from the week, I thought I would touch base with the families of Team 24.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Day of Pink in honour of Bullying Awareness. Mrs. D. Lockhart showed students learned how to make a beautiful pink bracelet to wear tomorrow.  Please have your child wear a pink shirt. With the school dressed in pink, we will record the entire school doing our "Good Times" dance in the gym.

Today, we had a conversation about bring toys to school. Students could tell each other why I ask for toys to be left at home (because toys can be lost, stolen or broken; not to mention that they are distracting to classroom learning) yet, some students are choosing to still bring toys from home. The past two days have seen tears over toys brought from home. Please review with your child our rule about toys at school. Valuables should be left in the safety of home :)

As Spring arrives and summer looms closer, term 3 can be a time when students begin to grow antsy. Recent weeks have seen an increased number of issues regarding listening, speaking respectively to adults and peers, lying and attentiveness. As a class, we have had many conversations about expected behaviour and classroom rules, which remain the same as they were in September. In addition, we talk about the reason for these rules. Almost always, it comes down to safety. With upwards of 20 people in the room at all times, some of the things we can do at home (run, wrestle, make loud and silly sound effects and so on) do not work in this small space with so many people.

Of course, many students have continued to make good choices, help others and do their job. They are greatly appreciated and are told so frequently! I am always trying to "catch" students doing the right thing and praising them with a table tally, a happy note in their agenda or a positive comment to the class. Today was a day when I was able to thank the entire class! Overall, it was a very nice day! The mood of the classroom was calm and focused. Adults surely noticed the difference and I am sure the students did too! Great job, Team 24! Keep it up!

Thanks to the grade 3 families! I have all of the swimming forms handed in.

Look for pictures of learning activities from the wee, including pictures of our completed death masks, to be posted soon!

Thank you for your continued support!
~Ms. Burland

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