Monday 22 April 2013

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone! Today Team 24 spent the day engaged in Earth Day learning activities. Through three discussions throughout the day, we discussed how Earth Day is a day to remind ourselves why and how we care for our Earth, but that caring for the Earth is something we must do everyday! This was the message of our first of two poems that we read throughout the day.

Tomorrow, we are going to take a look at the amount of garbage we produce during lunch, in order to think about how much a class produces in one week, all year and as a school of 8 classrooms. This may prompt the increased use of reusable containers for drinks and snacks.

Within a look and find, students identified 7 sources of litter:

Here students are using the letters of EARTH DAY to create as many new words are they can:

During the Earth Day math game, students reviewed place value and worked to create a larger number than their buddy. They then had to record their numbers using the greater than and less than sign, which we pretend was a hungry alligator eating the larger number.

Students using recycled magazines to create a ripped collage of the Earth. Look for these coming home.

Today, many students had difficultly choosing respectful behaviour, even after many reminders. This prompted a class discussion about expected behaviour at this point in the year and the message our actions give. For example, continuing a behaviour an adult has asked you to stop is telling the adult that you do not care about what they asked for and that your behaviour/want is more important than the need of the rest of the class. As a consequence, we did not play Earth Day bingo and some students missed out on Earth Day cupcakes and pencils.

I hope that tomorrow is a much better learning day!

Tomorrow is also the start of grade 3 swimming. Students were reminded that they are to wear their bathing suit underneath their clothing in the morning and bring with them a reusable bag with their underwear, towel, plastic bag for their wet bathing suit and a comb.

Needless to say, if students are not able to demonstrate safe and respectful behaviour at school, I will not feel that I can trust them to behaviour appropriately and positively represent our school out in public. They will remain at school with the grade 2s. I hope that this does not happen. 

I am very excited to go with the students tomorrow!

Look for a post following our first swimming lesson!
~Team 24

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