With a short week, TIA and hockey, we will not have Word Study again. I hate to miss it two weeks in a row because establishing our routine is so important, but I would rather we do it right or not at all. We will be back at it next week, so look for words to come home on Wednesday. I hope your child is saying and sorting his/her words Wednesday and Thursday nights as practice for their test on Friday. Other fun ways to practice spelling words: type them into a word document, write them with bubble letters, write them in rainbow colours or write them as triangles (see example below).
Grade 3 families, I sent home information about swimming today. Please read ALL of the information carefully. We are taking part in the Winter I session, which begins in November and finishes the last week before the winter holiday. Please complete and return the slip about previous swimming lessons your child has taken, as well as the permission form to participate (both are colour-coded green for your ease). I already have medical forms completed from our community walk. I will be speaking with students about what swimming will look like for us closer to the start date. At that time, I will also send home a tips & tricks hand-out and a swimming bag checklist for families. Students and I are equally excited for swimming to begin. With swimming, hockey AND winter concert practice, "dull" will not be a word we can use to describe December! :)
PJ day tomorrow! Remember to bring a donation for UNICEF to participate. Leave stuffies at home, thanks!
~Ms. Burland