Wednesday 15 May 2013

Ms. Burland Travels to Swimming AND Hockey= A LOT of Pictures!

This week I was luck enough to experience swimming and hockey with the students. This made for A LOT of pictures! 194 to be exact :)

Grade 3s headed to the Civic Centre for their 4th swimming lesson! A focus for many of the groups was boat safety and life jackets. Check out these great pictures!

This week, we took a closer look at seeds. Students have learned that seeds are an important part of a plant life cycle.

On Monday, table groups observed the inside of a seed. Inside we discovered the embryo or baby plant and the seed leaves, which provide food for the seed until the leaves have grown. Since learning this, students have identified the seed leaves on their own bean plants. Most seed leaves are getting smaller in size and have become shrivelled. They are no longer needed since the plants have grown leaves. Some students' seed leaves have already fallen off. Students also understand that the seed coat protects the baby plant inside the seed. Eventually the seed grows too big for the seed coat, which students immediately related to how they out grow their own coats!

Tuesday afternoon, we learned that some plants have fruit, which is the part of the plant with the seeds. We predicted how many seeds a lemon, tomato and apple would have and then dug in to find out! It was a messy exploration; an experience for the eyes, nose and hands!
Tomorrow we will learn about how seeds travel.

I am very sly. I caught reading and writing under my desk:

Today I joined the hockey students on their weekly trip to the MTS Iceplex. It was their 27th week of hockey, with this being their final practice before next week's celebration! Next week, students will see the Jets dressing room and training facility, enjoy a buffet lunch and play a game against another True North Hockey Academy school. Very exciting!

It was amazing to see what pros the kids have become at getting dressed and I can see skills have gown immensely since my last visit! Here are a few of the pictures I captured:
Counting down the time! "10 more minutes until we can go on the ice!!"
 2 more minutes!
 Hitching a ride
  Getting ready for a scrimmage
 Game on!
Poor Ava! A bounce on top of a life-size soccer ball meant a bleeding nose... that restarted a few times. But she was such a trooper! Even posing for this picture that she asked to be put on the blog. Here you go sweetheart!

I hope Team moms enjoyed The Most Important Thing writing we did for Mother's Day. Here is our latest bulletin board, highlighting The Most Important Thing writing we did about ourselves.

Whew! A busy and active week so far!
~Ms. Burland


  1. i like ................................ you


  2. I miss you Ms.burland you are the Best teacher I still like you

    love Alisha to Msbland

    1. I miss you too Alisha! I hope you have having a good start to your summer!
      ~Love Ms. Burland

  3. To msburland

    you are the best Teacher, I like you I LOVE YOU

    love alisha 4

    1. Thank you Alisha! I love you too!
      ~Love Ms. Burland

  4. ms burland can you pleas let me no if it is a boy or a girl.ill mes you all.
    by braden

  5. Absolutely, Braden! Have a great summer and best luck at Westgrove! Please look for updates in the fall on the blog.
