I can't believe it, but we have just finished the final week of the 2013- 2014 school year.
Highlights from the week include:
Monday: Our Celebration of Learning- thank you to the families who were able to attend! It means so much to the students! Hope students enjoyed the memory books I made for them.
Tuesday: Our Baby Shower! We played various games, including a blind-taste test of some baby food. It was quite possibly the funniest thing we've done all year! A HUGE thank you to the families who spoiled baby and I!! It was so generous and thoughtful! I was unbelievably touched. THANK YOU!
Wednesday: We released our butterflies and tadpoles. Here are pictures of the critters before we released them and students observing the butterflies after we released them in the front garden. Sadly, I forgot to get pictures of us at the creek while releasing the tadpoles. A picture of a 6 and a half month pregnant woman standing on a drain pipe inches from the creek waving at the tadpoles would have made quite the picture! ;)
We also walked to the neighbouring 7-11 for slurpees! Ms. Burland's slurpee trick: I take 3 camping water jugs with us and fill them with slurpees for all of us. I am charged for refills and it costs me just $5.05. Much more affordable than purchasing each student a slurpee, which would cost $25+.
Thursday: Our last day of classes! Thank you again to families who spoiled me and the baby with sweet and thoughtful gifts!
THANK YOU to Team 24 families for a fabulous learning year! Your support and cooperation are invaluable! As heart-breaking as it is to not be back next year, I am excited for the new chapter and adventure that lays ahead! I promise to visit in September so everyone can see how big I have gotten before I pop. Of course, I will visit with the baby once it arrives :)
Have a safe, exciting and well-deserved summer holiday!
~Love Ms. Burland